Mixed skin man
Combination skin is a combination of oily skin and normal skin. If you have combination skin, our recommendation is that combine a texture anti-aging gel and a texture in Anti-wrinkle cream .
One option is to use a texture anti-wrinkle gel all over the face, and complement it with a texture anti-wrinkle cream through the driest areas.
If you live in a climate with very marked seasonal changes, such as the Mediterranean climate, then we recommend combine gel and anti-wrinkle cream throughout the year. Use the anti wrinkle gel in summer, and Anti-wrinkle cream in winter.
In times of spring and autumn, or if you live in a climate where there are not these marked seasonal changes, then we recommend combining both textures during the day. For example, him gel in the morning and cream at night.
Another ideal option is Combine the gel and anti-wrinkle cream immediately. That means mixing the gel and cream in the palm of your hand, thus obtaining a super moisturizing and nourishing emulsion for your skin.
In conclusion, the combination of both textures can be done as follows:
At the moment mixing the two and applying them in the form of an emulsion
- During the day, applying the gel in the morning and the cream at night
- During the year, applying the gel in warmer times, and the cream in colder times .
If you are looking for a comprehensive anti-wrinkle care for the whole year, an option is ours Anti-aging kit 365 .
This anti-aging kit contains our Anti-Stress Gel and our Anti-Stress Cream , two great anti-aging formulas, each with different active ingredients so you can combine them to your liking.
In any case, apply your anti-wrinkle gel or cream always after cleansing your skin with a very respectful facial cleanser , and after Tone it with an alcohol-free spray .