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Kit Contorn d'Ulls + Corrector Facial

Sale price72,00 € Regular price85,80 €


Contorn d'ulls

Efecte fred instantani. Amb cafeïna, àcid hialurònic i extracte de cogombre. 

Fórmula n8+
10 principis actius per combatre bosses, ulleres i arrugues en un sol producte.



Corrector facial 
Contorn d'ulls

Amb un toc de color invisible
Ideal per lluir la teva millor cara
per corregir ulleres

Productes 100% Naturals, amb certificat Bio + Vegan.

Sense parafines, silicones, ni d'altres derivats del petroli.
Sense conservants sintètics com parabens, triclosan, phenoxyetanol, etc.
Sense emulsionants etoxilats.
Sense perfums de síntesi.
Cosmètica natural, ecològica i vegana


Tots els nostres productes estan fabricats a base d'extractes de plantes de primera qualitat, olis vegetals de pressió en fred i olis essencials 100% purs.

Quitar bolsas y ojeras hombre
Kit Contorn d'Ulls + Corrector Facial Sale price72,00 € Regular price85,80 €

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Arián RG
First time

It arrived 2 days ago, but the only thing is that I wear the contour with a great color, no one notices it and it camouflages very well, the other contour I will tell you how it goes but it seems that I will order it again for sure

Gabriel BC
Very good

The very cool contour and the ideal camouflage. It's the second time I've asked for it. 100% recommended


I always wear the one with the touch of color to go to work. It works very well for removing dark circles and no one notices it. It is very well done. I put the other one on at night so that the treatment works while I sleep. Both of them are going very well for me


They both last a long time. They both suit me very well. The one without color is great for bags, the metallic ball and the coolness it leaves is great. My partner uses the colored one for dark circles and also recommends it.


The feeling of cold that the one that has no color gives is very good, it gives me a feeling of clearness that is cool. The one with color has to be shaken to make it come out but I put it all over my face and it works very well.